Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> 2 Speaking Mistakes That Hurt Your Lead Generation Efforts

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  January 09, 2025

2 Speaking Mistakes That Hurt Your Lead Generation Efforts

Older woman standing at a podium speaking to an audience at a conference in an effort to boost lead generation Planet Studio

Lead generation is a top priority for those who want to grow their business beyond referrals. For many professional services professionals, giving presentations seems like a no-brainer at first. However, after years of hitting the speaking circuit without much business to show for it, we start to question the practice.

Before deleting your PowerPoint files, consider a larger question: Are you effectively using speaking opportunities? While many deliver excellent presentations, that alone isn’t sufficient for lead generation.

2 Mistakes That Hurt Lead Generation from Speaking Opportunities

If you aren’t getting leads from your speaking gigs, you may be making one of these easily overlooked mistakes.

• You’re speaking to the wrong audience. On paper, your audience looks perfect. Attendees have prestigious job titles and work at big companies with ample budgets. And even better, they are interested in your expertise. What’s missing: Too many of them can’t or won’t pay you. They either are not ready to buy, or they are influencers who will pass along your information and then drop out of the process.

• You don’t do enough hustle beforehand. Many speakers depend on fate to fill their sessions, which is a bad bet. Instead, pack the place by inviting potential sponsors and advocates. Involve key players in customizing your content. Tell their stories along with yours.

In the good old days, all you had to do was give a great speech, and the leads would flood in. Not anymore. In a world filled with talking heads, your presentation alone is not enough. Use your appearance as a hub for other marketing activities.

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