Written by: Vickie Sullivan | June 07, 2018
2 Tactics to Create Infographics that Grab People’s Attention

You’ve heard me rant and rave about infographics. MarketingProfs has another great example of one, this time about generational marketing. Two tactics we thought leaders can use in our own infographics:
• Narrow the focus. Generational marketing covers a lot of ground — and has a lot of voices screaming at the same time. This infographic not only narrows the scope, but it also shows off organization’s expertise in the arena.
Listen: The difference between good and great infographics
• Establish common ground. Check out the definitions. Yep, everyone knows this stuff, but the info creates a context that everyone agrees with. It’s tempting to skip this part; don’t. Context is the glue for your tips and information.
In our visual world, infographics are a great way to pack a lot of information in a little space. And when we use these tips, these handy tools become things people want to share.
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