Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> 2 Ways to Take Advantage of Big Disruptions

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  December 01, 2016

2 Ways to Take Advantage of Big Disruptions

Buckle up: 2017 is gonna be a crazy ride in corporate America. That’s what Brian Kropp, human resources practice leader at CEB, said in a recent Fast Company article.

Given CEB, a best practice insight and technology company, works with 20,000 senior leaders in 10,000 organizations worldwide, they oughta know.

What Kropp said that captured my attention: Corporate America is backed into a corner. Businesses have cut costs, but top-line growth is still limited. Their best option: disrupt operations. That’s where thought leaders come in.

Here are two great ways thought leaders create opportunities in this crazy environment:

1. Define the impact. Many execs know what’s coming next. The next step: how is this going to impact their world? Thought leaders who go beyond focusing on the future and into the “here’s what this means to you” specifics will have the inside track.

Listen: Another way thought leaders take advantage of disruption

2. Prepare for the fallout. Many execs get hit from outside forces and have to respond. For example, the SEC’s Pay Ratio Disclosure rules compare CEO pay to that of the median employees. That means half of the workforce finds out they are not as well paid as they thought. What does that mean for talent retention? For engagement and motivation? Experts in these areas (as well as internal branding folks) will have a field day.

As we approach the season of trend reports, remember that for every finding, there is an on-the-ground impact and fallout. For thought leaders who have a strong brand, opportunities are everywhere.

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