Written by: Vickie Sullivan | February 25, 2016
5 Branding Lessons from TED2016

Whew! I’m just getting over the crazy week also known as TED2016. By Friday, my brain was in information overload.
As expected, it was tough to narrow down the fabulous TED2016 speakers to just 10 favorites. My criteria: who gave us the best branding lessons.
In no order of popularity, here are the top five “best” awards:
• Best practical information for thought leaders: Noah Zandan crunched massive data about how visionaries communicated their big ideas. His three suggestions are simple and doable with some effort. Backed by his analytic rigor, we know these techniques work.
• Best trip to the dark side: controversial non-profit warrior Dan Pallotta asked tough questions about the false bargains we make while dreaming big. He offered a great example about how to confront and provoke. Both the content and style in this talk stayed true to his brand.
• Best springboard of her story: Girls who Code creator Reshma Saujani could have used her story to promote STEM for girls, but that would be too easy. Instead, she went for the jugular with a game-changing distinction that holds girls back: the quest for perfectionism. Her message is a simple yet insightful combination of “here’s why” and “what needs to change now.”
Related: TED Talks About Speaking
• Best redefinition: Courtney Martin‘s talk about redefining “the good life” was a great heads-up about what will be important in the future. Check out how she introduced new criteria. Her best line: you cannot buy your way out of suffering.
• Best musical act: the big voice of Rhiannon Giddens must be experienced. And she used that talent to convey a bigger message. What we can learn from her: how to mash up history with an inspirational message.
Bookmark these talks, and get a heads-up to when the videos are published. Next post: more lessons from the colorful characters at TED2016.
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Author : Liz Weber
Published: 2016-02-27 06:08:41
THANKS for sharing this list Vickie! I can't wait to watch all of these and get some mind expansion going!