Written by: Vickie Sullivan | May 19, 2016
Two Ways to Make Your Content Marketing More Valuable

As long-time readers know, I’m a big fan of HubSpot. And this simple, easy-to-do article from them—How to Use Medium: A Beginner’s Guide to Writing, Publishing & Promoting on the Platform—is a great example why. Good information on the right topic.
Let’s go a step further: check out this content from a value perspective. What makes articles like the one above valuable to readers? And what techniques can we borrow? Thought leaders can take a page from HubSpot’s book in two ways:
1. Point out the comparisons: This article uses commonly used social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook to better explain Medium. Example: “The ‘Recommend’ is the ‘Like’ of the Medium World.” You immediately get the point. And that understanding makes this article useful right now. Not only can readers understand this new channel, but they can also figure out if this is the best place for them to post content.
Related: Two Ways Infographics Are Evolving
2. Use more pictures: Yes, this is a “how to” post. But that’s not the only use for graphics. Step back from your content, and ask, “What visual can make this point come alive?” There’s no law that says you can use only one photo per post. Visuals are standard now; take full advantage of them.
The next time you put your brilliance out there, ask yourself: “How am I making this information more useful? How do I increase understanding?” The more value your community gets from you, the more engaged it becomes.
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