Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> What I Learned from My Bathroom Renovation

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  January 24, 2019

What I Learned from My Bathroom Renovation

Whew! Didn’t think it would happen, but I survived another home renovation. The bathrooms look great, and I’m lovin’ the new carpet.

What I didn’t expect is to learn lessons that I can apply in my business. Here are a couple:

• Don’t assume process impacts the outcome. Being a systems builder, I pride myself on focusing on the how, as well as the what. But this experience quickly taught me that perhaps I focus too much here. On a daily basis, plans were upended. If I got mad every time someone was late or took off for a few hours, I just couldn’t function. I created a roller coaster I didn’t have to ride. So, the next time a client wants to do something different, I’m game.

Listen: How to Manage the Expectations In Our Heads

• Big-picture intention and specific next steps are very different. Being “ahead of the curve” has served me well in business. But when that desire collides with wrong information, trouble comes quick. Clarifying what was intention and what was a next step helped me prepare without being a perfectionist. Clients want to know what’s next, too. I’ll include this distinction in all of my conversations.

This experience reminds me that everyone has a picture in their heads about how things are supposed to go. And that picture has nothing to do with reality. My goal for 2019: Explain more and assume less.

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