Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Choose Your Best Clients

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  October 03, 2019

Choose Your Best Clients

I work with a lot of folks on sales conversations. These are often veteran sales pros who are unafraid to get out there and pitch. What I’ve discovered: The message we tell ourselves is just as important (or even more so) than what we say to potential clients.

The biggest mistake I see is a matter of focus. People get too excited (and attached) to potential clients that look good on paper but are not a good fit. And they base that excitement on the story about how the prospect crossed their paths. Two places where this dynamic shows up:

• Referrals. Too many people assume all referrals have been vetted. Not true. Just because someone comes to us highly recommended, it doesn’t mean they are the best fit. Here’s why: The reason for the initial contact can shift. Example: Someone might want to work with a “small business,” but they change their mind when another offer comes in from a bigger competitor.

Listen: Test These Assumptions to Vet Potential Clients

• Reputation. If your branding is effective, you get a lot of incoming opportunities. It’s tempting to get excited when folks start the conversation with, “You are the person I really want to work with.” Be flattered, but don’t be fooled. You still need to make sure this prospect is a good fit. Are they really ready? Can they play an active role in collaborating with you?

Many times, people get so caught up in a prospect’s enthusiasm that they forget to do due diligence. Some opportunities look great at 30,000 feet, only to crash and burn when the rubber hits the road. You can avoid a lot of wasted time if you drill down past the story, move past the initial interest, and ask yourself, “Is this opportunity really right for me?”

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