Written by: Vickie Sullivan | February 23, 2017
Are You Getting Enough Incoming Inquiries?

Have you ever wondered why after the time and effort you put in for SEO and online marketing, you still feel like you haven’t made any money? You did what others suggested, and you get the traffic and the incoming inquiries. So, where’s the revenue?
According to internet marketing agency Straight North, one reason is that half of all of those incoming inquiries are not even sales leads. I call this the false positive of marketing. It feels like stuff is happening, but it really isn’t. Bummer.
What I like about Straight North’s study: The company did its own analysis of 350,000 inquiries. Pay attention to these findings:
• Eighty-five percent of leads come from the first visit. Then it drops off to 10 percent on the second visit. It sounds like you have only one shot. Either you grab folks or you don’t.
• Google Analytics doesn’t cut it. If you miss any phone calls in the data, the leads are not validated at all. (Guilty as charged.)
Bottom line: If you don’t measure validated leads, you’re flying blind. Or worse, you’re betting your tight schedule and hard earned cash on false positives.
Most of us focus on conversions and activity. Instead, let’s pay attention to the kind of inquiries we get. Drill down a level or two. Only then can we really know what marketing tactics are truly effective.
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