Written by: Vickie Sullivan | December 28, 2017
Ask Yourself Just One Question

Some people create New Year’s resolutions. Not me. I want a focal point, a lens to apply to a wide variety of situations. That’s why I like “themes” for the year.
For 2018, the theme is … drum roll please … simple. Yep. Just simple. Why? Because it appears that my default is to choose the most difficult route possible. Is it so I can overcome obstacles, even those of my own making? I don’t know. What I do know is that I’m tired of making day-to-day activities so hard. Life doesn’t have to be this arduous.
My approach for next year is to ask myself: What is the simplest way to make this happen? I’ve already tried this a few times. The answers have surprised me.
When we ask ourselves just one question, we focus our efforts. We practice what we most need to learn. Sure, I’ll still put in my passion. But it will come from a place of joy instead of drudgery.
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- Achieving Goals: The Power of a Heads-Up
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