Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Big Opportunities for 2015

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  December 11, 2014

Big Opportunities for 2015

Talent is getting a lot of talk in Corporate America these days. According to this Ernst & Young study, there are plenty of opportunities for a wide variety of thought leaders. Look past the international focus. The findings apply in our home country, too.

My favorite findings:

  • Employer brands will have a greater ROI in the near future. Thought leaders that specialize in branding have a whole new class of opportunities. Prediction: the big firms will jump on this first but will stay at 30,000 feet. Smaller boutique firms who go deeper have a great shot.
  • Behavioral styles will be used in new ways, creating opportunities for assessment firms already branded in large organizations. But don’t assume the branding used for hiring will be the same for increasing engagement. Buyers will not assume these efforts are the same. Many assessment builders will have to articulate the value for the latter buyers. And may even adjust their offerings.

This is a great example of using our brilliance in new areas. Now is the time for an environment scan of your marketplace. Ask: what are the other ways my work can be used?

Many thanks to Joyce Gioia at The Herman Group for sharing this report.


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