Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Brilliance on Books

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  September 17, 2013

Brilliance on Books

Because everyone in the free world wants to write a book now, let’s step back and take a peek at what is really going on in the wacky world of publishing.  A great place to start in our predictions is this blog post from Mike Shatzkin, industry event producer and advisor on digital transitions for publishers.

While not an easy read, this long post does a great job at describing the roots of many changes in publishing.  My take:  when you understand the roots of the change, you can better create innovative responses to that change.

Those who know me know that I rarely recommend folks I don’t personally experience.  But after reading enough of this guy’s posts, I’m convinced that Shatzkin knows where the bodies are buried.  If you want to keep your finger on the pulse, visit his blog early and often.

Many thanks to Jeff Davidson and Speakernet News for passing this brilliance along.

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