Written by: Vickie Sullivan | November 25, 2014
Buyer Mentality and the B2B Market
Since the Great Recession, many of us have changed our relationship with shopping. This Fortune article gives facts and great analysis for what is going on out there.
My favorite finding: in their desperation for sales, many retailers have trained buyers not to pay full price. Now there’s no going back. This dynamic is very similar to the markets I’m in. Exhibit A: so many speakers have lowered their fee (some to free) that buyers in the all fee markets know they can negotiate hard. What I’m hearing out there: businesses of all sizes are being more careful with their investments. No one wants to be the fool who pays too much.
This article is a great example of the disruptions we cause ourselves. So ask yourself: how have my colleagues (and I) trained the buyers? And…how do we end the race to the bottom?
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