Written by: Vickie Sullivan | February 25, 2014
Content Marketing Done Right
As experts, we use our insights and perspectives to market our products and services. So do big companies. Let’s take a peek into their playbook with this report from Aberdeen Group. (Free registration is required.)
What the leaders do differently and how we can adapt:
- Use buyer personas and write to their journey. Result: 75% higher conversions. Because we are having these conversations, we can do the personas ourselves. It’s a priority thing; we just need to take the time and sharpen the saw.
- Generate leads in a variety of ways. Too many of us depend on networking and referrals. Let’s cast out a wider net by writing for a publication or partnering with other bloggers to get our message out there.
- Leaders were able to track how a specific piece performed. They looked at the “lift” or the gap between their impact and the average performance. While we may not have a system this sophisticated, we can use analytics for more than 30,000-foot view.
Why do we care how larger companies use content marketing? Aberdeen reports that the leaders get nearly a 20% increase in unique site traffic (vs a 2.5% increase for the “followers”) and over 15% year-over-year revenue growth (vs. 1.5% for followers). It behooves us to see what they are doing right.
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