Written by: Vickie Sullivan | January 16, 2018
Finding Hidden Opportunities In a Sea of Discontent
I love short trips to the dark side. Why? Because behind every complaint is a hidden opportunity for disruption.
Exhibit A: This ranty SmartBrief article about corporate sector training programs for high potentials (HIPOs). Why do we thought leaders care? Because buyers are willing to invest in these folks.
My favorite stat: 93% of HIPO programs fail. That tells us that the need is there, but buyers know standard solutions aren’t working. That means there a hidden opportunity for innovative approaches.
Listen: How to pitch a new solution in a bad situation
Another area for hidden opportunities: the emotion behind the obstacle. This article does a good job describing how both HIPO participants and their less fortunate colleagues feel about the selection. Change that perspective, and you change everything. Again, hidden opportunities abound.
Don’t discount the rants. If you know what to fix, you can adapt your solutions accordingly.
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