Written by: Vickie Sullivan | January 08, 2015
Heads Up: Disruptive Trend For Thought Leaders Ahead

Red alert! a disruptive trend in the B2C market is crossing over to B2B according to this strategy-business article. Great.
Called peer-to-peer enterprise exchanges, this is a great way for established companies to find value for unused resources. Yes, the exchanges focus on tangible assets such as office space and equipment. We thought leaders need to pay attention for two reasons:
- This is a new (and better funded) source of competition. Think about it: can these folks undercut our fees with folks doing similar work as a sideline? You bet they can. And don’t believe for a minute that this “sharing” will be limited to technical expertise.
- And…the structure for trading intangible assets is already set. Going from sharing tangible to intangible assets is not a big stretch. Result: when this trend starts, it will catch fire quickly. By the time these competitors show up on our radar. Thought leaders can be disrupted before they know what hit them.
Once again, market strategy and positioning can blunt this trauma. Those who stand out won’t be compared to these low-cost competitors. And those who are talented but non-descript will bear the brunt of this dynamic.
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