Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> How to Determine If You Can Build a Business Around Your Great Idea

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  August 31, 2017

How to Determine If You Can Build a Business Around Your Great Idea

Is Your Business Idea Viable?

I had a great conversation the other day about this question: Is my idea worth building a business around? It’s a good thing to explore before you put talent and treasure on the line.

When I hear that question, I see a lot of moving parts. My long answer starts with a deep dive on these two things:

• What the market will give you. Market potential isn’t about the features and benefits – it’s about how those compare to buyers’ needs and their other options. And that answer determines what buyers are willing to pay for and what they expect for free/low cost.

Listen: The biggest obstacles that derail the best plans

• What you already have. Some ideas don’t take a lot of effort to launch if you already have teams for building websites, marketing campaigns, etc. If you don’t, then the next question is about what you are willing to do to make this happen. What can you do yourself, and what do you hire out? What resources are you willing to devote here?

So, the real question isn’t “is this idea viable?” The question everyone wants answered is “What do I have to do to make this viable, and what will I get in return?”

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