Written by: Vickie Sullivan | February 14, 2019
How to Love While Leaving

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Because many of us work on our own, we all love to find the business version of that bar in the old TV show “Cheers”—where everyone knows our name and we hang out with other like-minded “cool kids.” But what happens when the community (like people or rules) changes? Do we stay or do we go?
I made this decision four times last year; it’s harder than it looks. We all have places we hang around for years because that’s where we started. We met our BFFs (business friends forever) there. Some of us remember the good times and keep hoping the environment will go back to the way it was. Guilty as charged.
The big question: Do you stay involved and adjust to the new normal, or do you leave with fond memories?
Listen: How to Decide Whether to Stay or Go
What I’ve learned: You can love and leave at the same time. You keep the good in your heart and walk away from what can ruin that good feeling. And the biggest aha: something new comes along that you have space and attention for.
When I was young and silly, I used to fall in love and then set up camp to stay forever. Not anymore. Now I love where I am and leave when it feels like the right thing to do. I graciously accept the new normal, then proceed with what’s best for the future me.
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