Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Are Research and Data Still Credible?

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  October 16, 2019

Are Research and Data Still Credible?

Back in the good ol’ days, you could use statistics and data to add credibility to your content marketing and sales material. Between our political environment and general distrust, however, using research is losing its luster. Bummer.

Does that mean you can’t use data anymore to make your point? I think we can use this information but change the focus.

Check out this HBR article about the most effective logos. Move past the topic. What I like about this article is that it goes beyond being an advocate for a position and helps the reader make a decision. This distinction is subtle but potent.

So, how do you move from supporter to “facilitator with ideas” role? Here are some strategies from the article that you can copy:

• Frame the findings with the “why” information. The authors address a key issue: Are logos really that important? By answering this question first, the article paves the way for readers to make a choice between two decent options. What we can apply: Deal with any challenges about relevance first. Then get into your recommendations.

Listen: How to Help Folks Make a Choice

• State the exceptions. In this case, the data showed an instance where the author’s recommendations were less effective. Instead of leaving that scenario out, the authors made note. Result: The article is more credible because the author didn’t “cherry pick” the data. What we can apply: Admit the exceptions upfront and give equal time to both options.

A lot of people use data to advocate in ways that worked before but now seem too one-sided. To be seen as an “honest broker with an opinion,” you can use research to make your case without appearing biased. When you focus your perspective towards making a choice, you not only create more value by being handy, but you also appear more credible.

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