Written by: Vickie Sullivan | August 09, 2016
Is the Era of Promotion Over?

A short trip to the dark side: According to this Fast Company article, the digital economy is poised for a major disruption. I can’t wait. (Yes, I’m being sarcastic.)
The author, Douglas Rushkoff, makes a provocative point: If everything is free because it promotes something else, where’s the end of the line?
Not only is this article a great example of futuristic thinking, but it also asks a bigger question: What happens when the market gets saturated? When the new is no longer novel? And how do we know that we’ve reached the peak and the long, hard slog to decline begins?
Related: Heads Up: Disruptive Trend for Thought Leaders Ahead
Why does this matter to us thought leaders? Two reasons:
• If you use content to create user data, don’t bet long here.
• It begs a bigger question: What’s the next big thing? If the big boys are starting to back away, be clear that the end is coming sooner than we think. If they start charging for content, can we?
I consider this article a heads-up. We all need to start looking at our business models. Perhaps it’s time to revisit what we give away and what we charge for. And make sure the latter can support the former. For you DIY’ers, check out my Turbocharged Business Toolkit. It will help pick the game you can always win.
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Author : Paula Williams
Published: 2016-08-12 22:17:08
Excellent question - my answer- there will always be DIYers who want free information. There will also be busy professionals who understand the time value and quality of custom, professional work done for them. This has been true since the days of Benjamin Franklin (and probably before) and the basics of human nature aren't likely to change soon. If you pick a tight enough niche (like the aviation industry, in my case) a great reputation with the former will bring you the latter. Today's "freebie seeker" office assistant is tomorrow's well-heeled executive with the interest, resources and authority to purchase services. It's a long-game strategy, but it works! (And has an intrinsic barrier to entry for copycats who don't take time to build relationships!