Written by: Vickie Sullivan | June 16, 2015
Latest Stats On Engagement

Yes, we all know that soft skills are a given for effective leadership. But this Gallup study adds stunning statistics to this perspective. Most surprising finding: that one in two (yep, that’s half) of the 7,000 plus workers have left their jobs because of their manager. Talk about a brain drain.
And those employee engagement studies we all quote? Managers play a huge role there, accounting for as much as 70% of variance in those scores. Wow.
It’s not enough to be “effective” on the job. This study shows that engagement is tied to daily communication. Key words here: daily communication. Wow. That’s not all folks. Employees also want access to their boss for non-work related issues as well. The buzzword coming down the pike: safe workplaces.
Studies like this one will spur more interest in middle management development. But don’t expect an army of OD trainers. I suspect gaming and online efforts will have the inside track. For thought leaders in this space, it’s time to partner with the techies.
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