Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Mastering Memorable Messaging: Amanda Agati’s Secret to Standing Out

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  April 02, 2024

Mastering Memorable Messaging: Amanda Agati’s Secret to Standing Out

Generate memorable insights

In a world where insights are a dime a dozen, you must do more than be provocative if you want people to notice you. If you need help figuring out how to do that, look at Amanda Agati, chief investment officer at PNC. She could teach a master class on how to be memorable.

Bizwomen published an article about her that illustrates how she does it. Move past her take on the economy and look at how she uses juxtapositions on social media platforms to make her perspective unforgettable.

Her tactic is effective for thought leaders for two reasons:

• Gets attention fast. Using music, memes, and GIFs is standard on social media. But in the conservative banking industry, it’s not common. Agati captures attention and shares her perspective with humor in her content, making it engaging, memorable, and shareable.

• Builds a relatable bridge. Juxtapositions are effective when there is a contrast between a complex idea and the audience’s understanding of the world. They create a bridge that highlights the relevance of your perspective. When you want someone to understand your idea quickly, use topics commonly known in your community to make a unique connection.

Behind every cool juxtaposition is the potent element of surprise. As you create new content, think about using the power of the unexpected.

Listen: 2 Places Where Juxtapositions Work Best 

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