Written by: Vickie Sullivan | December 27, 2018
Revaluate Everything

Whew! 2018 passed by in a flash. The year began with opportunities that got me out of my comfort zone. I learned how to apply my talents beyond what I’ve done before. I learned how to let go of things that I liked a lot because the greater good was elsewhere. I learned to slow down long enough to connect with folks I love to work with. I saw opportunities come – and go. Both came with my blessings.
The biggest “aha” from this year: When you focus on serving the greater good, life just unfolds. Amazing people simply appear out of the blue. Good things are just around the corner.
Listen: How to Know When It’s Time to Let Go
But first, you have to see everything with fresh eyes. You have to let go of people, organizations, and old habits – even when they worked so well in the past. What works now is what works now. It doesn’t matter if it’s different than what you did before.
And the moment you let go, look in that abyss and wonder, “What is my next step here?” BOOM! Something new and exciting pops up. As for me, I can’t wait for 2019. Watch out world!!
Now Read This:
- One Thing to Ask Yourself When You Are Struggling
- How to Determine Market Feasibility and Direction For All Your Bright Ideas