Written by: Vickie Sullivan | August 28, 2014
Sponsorship Spending

Given that many of us love to work with sponsors to pay for speaking fees and other collaborations, this report from industry giant IEG deserves our attention. The upshot: 103 US-based companies spent more than $15B on partnerships last year. (Note: the original figure quoted in the report — $15M — is a typo.)
Don’t let the big chart here with the biggest deals intimidate you. While sports and entertainment gets the lion share of these budgets, there is plenty of money in the nooks and crannies. Example: Nike has upped their support for college athletics. Anyone who helps these students can go for these budgets.
Something else to consider: look at the audiences. Sponsors go where their newest markets are. If you can appeal to those same folks, you have a shot too.
Here’s the report (free registration may be required).
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