Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Less Trial and Error. More results faster.

Strategic Sounding Boards give real-World Advice For When The Rubber Meets The Road


Are you in the throes of promoting your thought leadership and things are not happening fast enough? Have you worked hard on marketing activities and the results are not what you expected? Are there times you want to bounce ideas off of someone who knows your marketplace, your buyers and your value?

Sometimes you need advice on specific situations — challenges that suddenly pop up when the rubber hits the road. The Strategic Sounding Board program is perfect for those who need specific, customized help on those crazy curve balls. Instead of trying to figure things out by trial and error, let Vickie look over your shoulder and give you insider secrets in real time.

The Strategic Sounding Board program is a collaborative approach to help you get the most out of your efforts. No challenge is off the table. Here are a few frequently asked questions about this project:

What are topics covered in strategic sounding boards?
What can I expect to get from Strategic Sounding Boards?
How can I tell if strategic sounding boards is best for me?
Let’s get real. How can I tell if strategic sounding boards won’t work for me?
What are the logistics of strategic sounding boards and how long does it take?

If you are ready to get better results from your hard work, now is the time to let Vickie help you in real-time. Reach out to her at to explore if this option is right for you.