Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> The Deal Behind the Discounts

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  February 20, 2014

The Deal Behind the Discounts

I love a bargain. But I don’t like to have sales conversations with those looking for a bargain. (Yes, I see the irony.) But this study by Experian dives inside the mind of a bargain hunter and can give us insights as well.

Look past the business-to-consumer focus. Do we talk to folks who want a bargain but don’t want to be inconvenienced by giving something up? Or give a discount to someone and they still don’t buy? Sure we do. Knowing what motivates our buyers helps us forge an arrangement that benefits both sides.

The biggest surprise: 34% are called “deal indifferents.” They will not change their behavior because of a discount. Which begs the question: do we give discounts to those who will take them but are not motivated to act? Do we assume that everyone wants a bargain?

In this slow recovery, it’s easy to believe that everyone is looking for the best deal. What I’ve found: there’s a difference between wanting a discount and being price sensitive. The former wants a deal; the latter wants to get what they need first. Then they will look at price. Big, big difference.

Here’s the link to the study (free registration required).


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