Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> To Win Over Buyers, Tap into Their Motivations

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  February 18, 2021

To Win Over Buyers, Tap into Their Motivations

To Win Over Buyers, Tap into Their Motivations Galimzianova

During the crazy U.S. election season, a lot of developments appeared doomed from the start. One of many examples: the 50-plus lawsuits filed after the election contesting the election results.

It’s easy to think, “These folks just drank too much Kool-Aid.” But as this winter article from The Atlantic explains, one particular lawsuit makes plenty of sense when you look at the key player’s motivations. In this case, the lawsuit brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton wasn’t about getting a favorable ruling. It was about backing those in power and bolstering support in a certain demographic.

Which brings about a bigger point that many of us forget when talking to potential clients: hidden political motivations can make or break any decision. So, it’s in our best interest to tap into them during sales conversations.

Listen: Two Places to Find Hidden Motivations

The fastest way to figure out what’s going on in the background: human intelligence. Talk to your advocates about what else is in play. Are there long-term ambitions that you can help progress? Are there stakeholders that are quiet but critical for support? These answers are the difference between a good, logical business case and a strategic sales conversation that seals the deal.

People decide emotionally, then justify that decision with facts. Proceed accordingly.

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