Written by: Vickie Sullivan | January 03, 2017
Two Mental Traps That Keep You Stuck Where You Are

Happy New Year! It’s time to put away the holiday decorations and blast into making our resolutions come true. The problem is the best implementations can be derailed by the tiniest of good intentions. Here are two of the most common mental traps that prevent us from moving forward:
• Timing of a project. It starts innocently enough. We have a genuine concern about the best time to begin. What starts out as planning can quickly become long-term procrastination. Example: When you’re busy making money, you don’t have time; when you have free time between projects, you’re worried about cash flow. The problem: When one obstacle is overcome, another pops up.
Listen: How to tell if you are in the “best time” trap
• Scope of a project. It’s easy to scare ourselves when we look at a big advancement. We question whether we are “ready” for that journey. We look at everything that has to be done instead of the smaller steps we’d take to achieve the big thing. By assuming everything needs to be done at once, we unnecessarily raise the stakes. We make the obstacles bigger than they really are. What happens after that: We take “small steps” in a vacuum that sets the stage for bigger problems later on.
There is no perfect moment. Opportunity knocks when the universe knows we are ready—even if we don’t. Jump, and you’ll be surprised how you land on your feet.
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