Written by: Vickie Sullivan | September 27, 2018
Use Common Tactics In New Ways

A very common – and now overused – strategy to help you stand out among the competition is to “reframe” a challenge or situation. It’s effective, which is why so many people like the technique. The problem: Too many folks redefine in the same way, making this tactic appear “overexposed.”
What’s needed are new ways to use popular tactics. As an example, look at this recent Fast Company article, “Empathy Doesn’t Mean ‘Be Nice’.” Go beyond the content, and check out the foundation. Two things this article does that you can easily copy:
• Lead with a dispute. Look at how the author defines empathy — by noting what it is not. By taking this short trip to the dark side, the headline/title and introduction get more attention. Nice!
Listen: The Smart Way to Disagree
• Lay down the gauntlet. The article also issues a challenge before introducing a new framework. It outlines the “stretch” we really must make if we want to be empathetic. This alludes to the need for help, which the “empathic archetypes” provide.
It’s OK to use techniques that are effective. But when they are overused, you must use those methods in a different way. By showing what something is not and issuing a challenge, you not only appear to be a credible alternative to the status quo, but also a challenger.
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