Written by: Vickie Sullivan | May 23, 2019
What Stepping Up Looks Like Now
Confession: Every Memorial Day, I fight feelings of inadequacy.
I read all these posts on social media about heroes and what they sacrificed. I then begin to believe that I don’t sacrifice enough to serve a bigger cause. I feel that mainly because 1) I haven’t fought in any wars or survived any natural disaster and 2) I’m still alive.
My big question from the dark side: If the sacrifice doesn’t involve life and limb, are we really stepping up?
What I’m learned after a few conversations: There are many flavors of risk. Physical loss is huge, no doubt. Professional and personal costs can still be a risk. We can lose relationships, good will, opportunities. These emotional losses still hurt.
When we speak out against what we believe is wrong, we face backlash. When we contribute to causes we believe in, the “other side” can vilify us. In these polarized times, risk in standing up for what we believe in has increased.
So, perhaps stepping up can be defined as action in the face of personal cost. Or understanding the loss we may experience and doing what is needed anyway. Perhaps that is the big lesson those who’ve paid the ultimate sacrifice teach us. That taking the risk to serve the greater good is worthwhile.
May we all remember these brave warriors as the ultimate example of stepping up.
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