Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Why Sleazy People Succeed

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  December 02, 2014

Why Sleazy People Succeed

Had a rip-roarin’ good time with Marcia Yudkin at her No Hype Summit. I love the angle: how to sell without being sleazy.  Yes, it is possible.

Our conversation made me realize why the sleazy succeed. Here’s the sleaze system in three steps:

  1. First, they sell the dream. They tell you that you can do stuff without telling you about the journey involved. You get all excited about the possibilities. This step gives you hope.
  2. Second, they make it sound easy. All you have to do is take this magic pill (or buy this program). This allays your fears that you won’t be able to pull it off. What doesn’t get said: health, wealth, or your soul mate is not going to fall out of a tree. You will have to do stuff first.
  3. Third, they insinuate that because it’s possible and easy, you are a loser if you don’t go for their opportunity. This is emotional manipulation at its worst. These comments play on your fear of being left behind.

The first and second items are lies. That happens all the time so I don’t get too upset about that. Here’s what gets me bent out of shape: the third step. Playing the “loser” card is so short-sighted and the leading cause of returns. It’s also the leading cause of highly-deserved bad reputations. Don’t be THAT person.

Click here to find other ways to sell without dipping your toe in to the sleaze pool.


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