Written by: Vickie Sullivan | February 17, 2022
You Need to Sharpen Your Sales Conversations. Here’s Why

If you sell bigger projects to large and medium-sized businesses, your conversations with buyers must be top-notch. Buyers have limited time, so your sales conversations must demonstrate you understand them, their market, and their needs.
The biggest pet peeves buyers have, according to a recent MarketingProfs article, is sellers’ lack of understanding of their prospects’ business and their inability to demonstrate return on investment (ROI) or value for what they are selling.
You probably think you do a good job with those things and have nothing to worry about, but chances are you don’t. The disconnect between your assumptions and buyers’ expectations show up in two ways:
• Asking questions that don’t need to be asked. Yep, buyers hate it when sellers ask those “what’s your biggest challenge” questions. You think you do research, but what you really need to uncover is insider information, which requires a blend of conversations and deep dives.
Listen: How to Get Insider Info
• Failing to make our value relevant. Too many times sellers get excited about features and don’t explain the benefits in a way the prospect cares about. You can’t use your standards to determine what’s important. When the buyer starts to think, “I don’t care about this,” you’re done. Sales opportunity over.
The MarketingProfs report explains what we already know: These buyers are sophisticated enough to spot silliness a mile away. You need to bring your A game if you want them to consider you. So, put in the additional work up front and be loaded for bear when sales conversations occur.
Now Read This:
- How to Get Buyers to Want What You’re Selling
- Strategic Sounding Boards Give Real-World Advice for When the Rubber Meets the Road