Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Brand and Message Strategy for Thought Leaders

Let’s talk about your success. You’ve earned it!

First, congratulations. You’ve done the work and the results speak for themselves. You’re known for what you do best. Now it’s time to take that momentum and increase your impact (and prominence) as a thought leader.

Are thought leaders smarter than experts? Nope. Do thought leaders work harder than experts? Nope. The biggest difference between a thought-leader and an expert: how the marketplace of ideas defines your perspective. The former are top-of-mind, the sought-after option. The latter are talented but non-descript. Nice to have but not necessary.

And that’s where market analysis, strategy, and branding come in. Without market analysis, strategy is a bunch of assumptions made in a vacuum. Without strategy, branding is nothing more than a clever play on words. But put all three together … and magic happens.

You get more attention (and buy-in) for your ideas. People who can help you want to join forces. You get momentum for any new initiative you launch. The result: You are the front runner, the go-to resource. The best opportunities come to you. Your impact makes a difference and changes the world.

If you are ready for the next level of thought leadership, Vickie’s market strategy can help. Her finger’s been on the pulse of this crowded crazy marketplace for 30 years. She knows who’s hot, who used to be hot, and how it all happens.

Vickie combines your passion, your perspective and what buyers want now to create a platform that your market will go nuts for.

With her brand and message strategy, you can increase your prominence and your impact. Your voice will be heard. Your front-runner status brings the opportunities to you. Here are common scenarios clients ask about and how Vickie can help:

Do you want to DIY your thought leadership efforts?
Are you ramping up your thought leadership and want to avoid costly mistakes?
Are you expanding your thought leadership to the next level?
Are you writing (or finished writing) THE book that promotes your thought leadership?
Are your results below expectations?